About us


About Pupuchi

We believe that food makes you feel so good,
how good it tastes.

We created Pupuchi snacks from beans and other legumes to give you the best.

We expand the field of knowledge of the generally accepted views on snacks and snacks and offer you a new category in the range of healthy, tasty, filling snacks.

We wish to find balance in everyday life and pleasure in every bite of our snack.

Our target:

to research, find out, develop, produce and offer innovatively improved products from legumes.

Our mission:

healthy, tasty and filling new generation snacks for active people, family people, people busy with work and duties.

Our vision:

natural and easy-to-use products with high nutritional value as a source of energy.

Our values:

KNOWLEDGE – science-based innovations, COURAGE – to dare to do today what will have value tomorrow, RESPECT – to be responsible for the result of your work.

Our finding:

beans and legumes in general are an extremely valuable, undeservedly forgotten product with a rich character.

Our belief:

snacking is not only tasty, but also healthy.

Our hope:

legumes in the diet, including roasted beans, will have a bright and promising future.

Our engine:

the uniqueness of the product in a modern design.

Our strength:

ideas and team.

Our benefit:

also through mistakes and lessons, the diverse experience has arisen.

Our future:

as the only producers of diverse leguminous snacks in Europe, to stabilize in the Latvian food market and learn new export markets.


Healthy and nutritious products

10 000+

Produced and sold a packet of bean crackers


Countries have appreciated our natural product


Great and professional staff at Pupuchi

Creative education

Pupuchi has invested a lot in educating consumers about the good qualities of beans and other legumes. Excursions in the production facility, outdoor sales at city festivals, tastings in stores, creative workshops at corporate events are organized.
Pupuchi allows guests to take a look at the processes in the production facility, tells about what is important in the development of the company, gives the opportunity to work with the product practically and participate in the product tasting. Products can also be purchased.

Excursion fee:

  • 6.05 euros per person (in a group of more than 15 people),
  • 90.75 euros for a group (up to 15 people in a group).
  • Tourist groups from 15 to 45 people should apply by phone 26171549 or by e-mail: kristine@pupuchi.lv.


Health, diversity, sustainability, taste – four reasons to choose Pupuchi plant protein products.

For those who are still considering, the survey results may be useful:


the interviewed include legumes in the menu


wants to increase the consumption of pulses within two to three years


legumes are used to improve eating habits


eat beans at least once a week

That's why we have Pupuchi, created:

For backpackers

Pupuchi is an easy snack to restore energy. The snack, rich in protein and fiber, will give you a feeling of fullness and energy almost immediately. The body will be grateful;

For ambassadors of the green lifestyle

Pupuchi are certified organic products and contain only natural spices and their mixtures from Germany. They do not contain artificially synthesized dyes;

For the keepers of the family hearth

Pupuchi is a side dish for enjoying more varied meals;

For active children

Pupuchi is a pleasantly crunchy, healthy and easy-to-use snack as a competitor to chips and nuts;

For people with nut allergies

Pupuchi is a healthy alternative to sweet or salty snacks.

And not only these…

Pupuchi products simply ARE healthy and valuable treats of the new generation for children, urban dwellers, supporters of natural food and a healthy lifestyle, sports club visitors, simply active, dynamic people, students and those whose lifestyle does not allow them to follow regular and healthy meals. Definitely also for those who think about what they eat.
The product is amber beautiful and enjoyable in its pleasant structure. It is roasted without fat using a unique technology, which is the only one of its kind in Europe.
Pupuchi convinces: less is better, but more valuable.

Our history

Story of an idea

Pupuchi is a story that started as a hobby. It's also a story about entrepreneurship, perseverance, family and, yes, the value of food. Such a product, which has been unreasonably forgotten and as a potential in Latvia and Europe has not been fully discovered or used until now.

The idea for the future work, opportunities, production, life change and professional tumbling, which is rolling forward for the seventh year, was brought from a trip to Ecuador in South America - in a small packet of oil-fried fava beans.

The idea encouraged the spirit of discovery, and Kristīne Ozoliņa, applying the food technologist knowledge acquired during her studies, hand in hand with creativity, spent a whole month at home trying to roast fava beans in various ways so that they were the most crispy, and in the end, the beginning of everything was a sentence: "One bean came out crispy . If there is one, there will be more!".

Rejoicing at the already felt possibility for the idea to continue living, the two sisters - Kristīne Ozoliņa and Zanda Ozola - shared their first production with friends and colleagues, waiting for feedback and listening to criticism. This approach strengthened the belief that the idea should really live and appear in the world.

Job story

In order for Pupuchi to develop, the two founders and owners, having no experience in business and production, but based on their knowledge of food technology, as well as armed with enthusiasm and willpower, began the journey of discovering the valuable potential of the main product - fava beans - with only feelings and intuition. However, the encouragement of the family surname researched in the family trees and the encouragement of its bearers, foreign relatives, gave the two sisters the impetus for their entrepreneurship, as a result of which the company was created - a symbol of the family's strength, with the help of which Pupuchi was born in the rather distant year of 2016. Applying the knowledge and skills acquired when Zanda Ozola worked at the Rural Support Service (RAS), the sisters used several business programs, support for new businesses from the municipality, the state, and the European Union, including programs administered by the RAS, LEADER co-financing for setting up the production plant and production for the purchase of the line, as well as the Latvian Investment and Development Agency's support for participation in international exhibitions.

In the kitchen of the crafts center of Dzirnieku elementary school in Jaunsvirlaukas parish, where Pupuchi had settled, a freezer and a refrigerator were bought with the first money earned with pride. However, the biggest and most important tool for uniform roasting of fava beans was a special oven, which came to Pupuchi in a way worthy of a story: it was brought to the cave in February 2017 with the idea that by slightly widening the door, it could be pushed into the room and put in the intended place. However, in order to place the oven in the kitchen, several windows had to be removed. Locals rolled out a red carpet for the oven to mark the occasion.

In 2017, Pupuchi was admitted to Jelgava's business incubator, and it was a good starting point for young entrepreneurs - there they could learn, create business ideas, receive support, organize negotiations with potential partners. There were also opportunities to apply for financing for the creation of a website or marketing consultations. Since 2020, Pupuchi has grown into an independent, stable company and has given its place in the incubator to other young entrepreneurs.

Cooperation with the Kotiņi farm, which grows fava beans and delivers them already processed: cleaned and peeled, is worth a separate story. Until then, realizing that fava beans are not grown enough in Latvia, they first looked for a partner in Spain. However, thanks to Kotini and their investments in modern technologies, the product grown here in Latvia is the leader in the production of this product.

The time of the pandemic was full of thoughts and trials for most small entrepreneurs and also for Pupuchi. However, shortly after that, a very special cooperation was established with SIA "Gemoss", which is one of the largest producers of unusual, healthy, valuable products on the Latvian market, discoverer of unique flavors created by small entrepreneurs. Also, the opportunity to finally start exporting products to Finland at that time was also very valuable. That's how Pupuchi got a second wind and confirmation that what he's done so far is worth it to continue.

Future story

The company, which has been operating on the market for seven years until 2023, has passed the test of time, is aware of its viability, has accumulated extensive experience and professionalism in food production, sales and involvement of partners, which is why exports are being purposefully developed. Pupuchi is already known in Germany, Finland and Estonia, the activity will also continue in Lithuania, Denmark, the Netherlands and elsewhere.

Since March 2022, when Pupuchi obtained the much-needed biocertificate for export, which means that the production facility and the process itself have been approved with a biolabel, a purposeful path to foreign countries is being deliberately created.

The resurgence of fava beans has been achieved with work. Organic beans will also have value in Europe. Pupuchi is still the only one who has created a unique, diverse offer of a valuable, healthy and undeservedly forgotten product.

The story of the vision

Pupuchi does not intend to stop at fava beans as the only ingredients. In order to make the range of products offered diverse, in 2023 an important, detailed study has also been started on other legumes: on other types of beans, including peas and lentils. The result will soon be an offer of various valuable pulses.


- Year of establishment – 2016.
- Co-owners: Kristīne Ozoliņa and Zanda Ozola.
- Employees: three in production, three to six in sales and marketing.
- 2016 turnover – 2612 euros, losses – 307 euros;
- 2017 turnover – 23,791 euros, losses – 2,289 euros;
- 2018 turnover – 61,106 euros, profit – 13,420 euros.



28.03.2017 Concluded an agreement with LIAA no. SKV-L-2012/17 on receiving support within the framework of the "Promotion of International Competitiveness" measure, which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

Successfully implemented the project "In-depth analysis of outlets for sweet and salty snacks, ready meals and plant-based salty spreads, identification of the most promising export markets, analysis of entry opportunities". event "Promotion of international competitiveness". LIAA Agreement No. SKV-L-2017/177

Successfully implemented the Project "Content Development and E-Text Adaptation Oriented to Export Markets" as part of the "Promotion of International Competitiveness" event. LIAA Agreement No. SKV-L-2017/177

Successfully implemented the Project "Development of the Company's Website and Internet Store for Export Markets" as part of the "Promotion of International Competitiveness" event. LIAA Agreement No. SKV-L-2017/177


Retail sale of alcoholic beverages Series MT no. 00000016379

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